Directions & Resources

Below, you will find information about resources to help you navigate the conference experience. If you have further questions, please ask at the registration table in Room 122 or ask a RebLaw volunteer for assistance.

Navigating the law school building

A map of the law school can be found here
All conference programming takes place in wheelchair-accessible spaces. Wheelchair accessible directions to RebLaw spaces, including to restrooms, can be found here
The bathrooms in the basement by the dining hall are designated “All-Gender.” There is also a single-stall gender-neutral bathroom by the basement bathrooms.
A lactation room is located in Room 315A. To enter the lactation room, you must ask for a key at the registration table. If you are unsure how to find the lactation room, ask a RebLaw volunteer for help.
A prayer room is located in Room L390C, which is across the courtyard from the main hallway of the law school in L entryway. If you are unsure how to find the prayer room, ask a RebLaw volunteer for help.

Navigating the New Haven area

The law school is located at 127 Wall St, New Haven, CT 06511, in downtown New Haven.
Yale University has its own free shuttle system that you are welcome to use.
Connecticut Transit is our local public transportation system and has several area buses.
M7 has wheelchair-accessible cabs.


You can find licensed childcare providers using the links below.
A lactation room is located in Room 315A. To enter the lactation room, you must ask for a key at the registration table. If you are unsure how to find the lactation room, ask a RebLaw volunteer for help.


RebLaw will provide light refreshments and the community reception on Friday, and light breakfast with coffee and lunch on Saturday. Please note any dietary restrictions when you register for the conference. 
If for any reason you cannot stand in line to get lunch, please feel empowered to go to the front of the food line or ask a conference staff person for assistance getting food.
NHV restaurants