Movement Journalism
Accountable journalism that holds truth to power has never been more important. It’s also becoming harder to find and create. While corporate news outlets capitulate to power, movement media organizations are working to shine a light on injustice and create journalism in service of liberation, all despite a growing number of threats to the press. Join Negin Owliaei, editor-in-chief of Truthout, for an interactive workshop on the function of journalism in the movement ecosystem and the role legal practitioners can play in making and supporting movement media.
Negin Owliaei
Negin Owliaei (she/her) is the editor-in-chief of Truthout, an independent news outlet that works to spark action by revealing injustice and providing a platform for transformative ideas through in-depth investigative reporting and critical analysis. An award-winning multimedia journalist, Negin reports on international news, labor and economics, and U.S. foreign policy. Before joining Truthout she was the senior producer of Al Jazeera’s flagship daily news podcast, The Take, and the managing editor of She lives in Washington, DC.